
滋養台南 | Nourishing Tainan

食物滋養我們的身體。故事滋養我們的靈魂。哲學滋養我們的心靈 | Food Nourishes Our Bodies. Stories nourish our spirit. Philosophy nourishes our mind.

Oyster Omelette

Oyster Omelette

Cooking with mom

Stinky Tofu

Stinky Tofu

One dish to rule them all

Website Updates

Website Updates

We've been refurbished!

Ginger Duck Hotpot

Ginger Duck Hotpot

A cherished meal

A Banquet of Stories

A Banquet of Stories

Sharing stories and experiences

Pork Braised Rice

Pork Braised Rice

Thinking of home

一股連我也不知道是什麼的滋味 | A flavour even I don't know

一股連我也不知道是什麼的滋味 | A flavour even I don't know

A bitter treat

Down the Generations

Down the Generations

Passing knowledge of cooking from father to son

In a Foreign Land

In a Foreign Land

Away from home, learning how to cook